Today I had a medical test. right after a speed endurance training I raced to the medical sports facility top speed. I had to fill in an application of 14 pages there where a lot of NO's iIhad to write it felt like I wrote a whole Lord of the rings book. after that I had to turn in a urine sample. pissing in a little cup is so.............. ok next subject lol. after that I had an Eye test my eyes where fine. Only i'm colorblind. I said oohww that makes everything clear i always see things black and white. No just kidding it isn't that bad. I had to watch a page in a book containing bubbles in different colors and then you should see a number in the bubbles. The dr. said ok which number do you see? I was like ehm 36 she laughed at me and said no it's 11. I wanted to put some black shades on and go sit behind a piano and sing stevie wonder songs. But yes i'm colorblind. and no my world is not black and white. after that they measured my bodyfat percentage that was good it was 7,8% thats good for me ca

and after that we had a weight training session. Look at the pictures (thanks Lorri!!!)
And i Had a Interview With www.losseveter.nl Coming Soon!
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